Legal entity : Betterflies SAS

Registered capital : 2 500 €

SIREN # : 84779888100011 RCS Lyon

Intercommunal VAT # : FR 35847988881

Registered office: 25 rue Villon, 69330 Meyzieu, France

Email :

Tel : +33 4 28 29 42 63

Website :, hosted by LWS

Director of publication: Maguy Tartry (Betterflies)

Objective : This site intends to provide information about the company Betterflies and promote its main business.

We do our best to insure that all published content is correct and accurate. Nevertheless, we can't be held responsible for any missing or imprecise information nor damages that could occur if our website data was use.

The intirety of this website (photos, texts, videos, content) remains the exclusive property of Betterflies except for licence free material that can be found on the internet using license parameters to ensure the usage right.  Users of this site must respect all conditions relative to the data protection act and more recent laws about data protection. 

Copying partially or entirely any content of this website is strictly forbidden unless a specific authorization is given. 

Betterflies is a protected brand. Do not copy the name or the logo ! 

Using the site implies plain acceptation of all general conditions presented in this document. These conditions may be altered or completed in the future. Therefore, we invite all users of who wish to be aware of all most recent usage conditions to regularly check this page. 

At, we don't accept any racist, insulting, defamatory or improper comments or behaviour. Please be courteous if you need to interact with the website, whatever the media you use, otherwise legal sanctions could occur. 

If a newsletter registration is offered, all subscribers can of course freely opt in and out.

Eventhough we try hard to offer maximum availability of our website, we will sometimes need to perform maintenance operations bringing the website off line for a short period.